Lagertha the Shieldmaiden, Ragnar Lothbrok's Wife
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Opposite of Zealous Faqih faqih 116 +3 +5 equivalent of Scholar. Deeper within Haustvald, the mystics possess a special altar that can reunite the body and spirit of a fallen warrior. Incapable incapable 32 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -3 -30% -100 Rulers with this trait require a -66 Due to advance age, head injury or other mental disabilities, this character is not fit for any kind of work.
Read our detailed post on Rollo: On a side note, Lagertha also probably never met Hrafna-Flóki Vilgerðarson, the real-life historical figure on which the character named Floki is based on. Guðrún has a similar concern with family ties, but at first does not usually act directly. S Herrauds und die schwedische Prinzessin Thornbjörg in der Hrólfs Saga Gautrekssonar namentlich erwähnt, ebenso in den des Weghbiorg Wegthbiorg , Rusla und , die erste Gemahlin des.
Traits - Personality Astrid is a strong shield maiden, who's inspired by Lagertha. Immortal immortal 231 +10 +25 characters will not die from old age or This character has achieved eternal life and will never succumb to the ravages of old age.
Highlighted traits box on character screen v. They can be gained or lost during and. They affect a variety of areas, everything from to. Additionally, most traits are tied to schildmaid occurring or schildmaid which options are available in events. Paying attention to obtaining the right traits is essential for a good ruler. A trait that has opposites functionally including different levels of the same characteristic cannot be had simultaneously with them. Schildmaid example, a character with Genius cannot also have Slow or Quick. In the base game, they are usually close to the education of their guardian, though there is some random variation. Education by guardians with high-level military traits also grants traits. Military educations can improve to the next level by a random battlefield event, while the others can be improved with random events from the corresponding focus. Unfortunately, everyone else schildmaid tend to bully them. However, their lack of secrecy tends to endanger even their best efforts. For characters of non-Christianthe cross in the icons of learning traits is replaced by schildmaid more appropriate symbol a crescent formenorah fortriquetra for etc. Each such trait provides a +1 bonus to a specific. Each childhood trait has several adult traits into which it may evolve during adolescence, ensuring that no childhood traits are retained into adulthood. Check the for the educational effects of each childhood trait, as well as the adult traits they can evolve into. Can develop into: KindContent or Trusting Playful 197 playful +1 Schildmaid This child loves to engage in fun and games, almost always turning any activity into an excuse to play. Can develop into: GregariousDeceitful or rarely Lunatic Haughty 190 haughty +1 Martial This child is proud and vain, convinced of their own superiority. Can develop into: ProudArbitrary or Cruel Rowdy 193 rowdy +1 Martial This child is loud and lively and usually prefers rough physical activities over calmer pursuits. Can develop into: Brawny schildmaid, Honest or Dull Conscientious 198 conscientious +1 Stewardship This child is unusually scrupulous schildmaid responsible, taking delight in completing any chores and tasks to perfection. Can develop into: Diligent or Temperate Fussy 199 fussy +1 Stewardship This child is very particular about details that seem trivial to others, sometimes to the point of causing anxiety and frustration. Can develop into: PatientGreedy or Paranoid Brooding 195 brooding +1 Intrigue This child is a thinker, often sitting inside in deep ponderings as others play outside in the sun. Can develop into: JustWroth or Envious Indolent 196 indolent +1 Intrigue This child is very averse to any kind of exertion, be it mental or physical. Can develop into: CharitableSlothful or Gluttonous Willful 194 willful +1 Intrigue This child is stubborn and strong-willed, and doesn't obey or give way easily. Can develop into: AmbitiousBrave or Stubborn Curious 200 curious +1 Learning This child has an schildmaid nature and is constantly asking questions and poking around looking for new and interesting things. Can develop into: ShrewdCynical or sympathies for other Idolizer 201 idolizer +1 Learning This child is easily impressed and also has a fervent desire to seek for ultimate truths. Characters at court in a province being ravaged by an epidemic disease may randomly be stricken by it. Drunkard drunkard 33 -2 -5 Attraction -5 +5 Same Trait -10 -5 -5 This character is a drunken sot. Immortal immortal 231 +10 +25 characters will not die from old age or This character has achieved eternal life and schildmaid never succumb to the ravages of old age. The schildmaid is not invincible though, physical injury will still hurt them. Incapable incapable 32 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -3 -30% -100 Rulers with this trait require a -66 Due to advance age, head injury schildmaid other mental disabilities, this character is not fit for any kind of work. Incapable rules must employ a regent. Infirm infirm 31 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -1 -30% -50 -10 -31 This character is infirm and suffers from a sickly disposition. Lunatic lunatic 23 -10 Attraction +5 Same Trait -5 -50 -8 This character is stark raving mad. It would take a true miracle to heal such an injury. Possessed possessed 24 -10 Attraction +5 Same Trait +5 -40 Enables the combat tactic -3 This character experiences frequent violent episodes, speaking in tongues, spitting and assaulting those nearby, as if possessed by evil spirits. Renowned Physician physician 237 +1 schildmaid +0. Some characters found by using the decision already have this trait This character is a renowned practitioner of medicine and a sought after physician - he would be a welcome addition to the court of any ruler. Scarred scarred 121 +10 Opposite Trait +0. Stressed stressed 21 -1 -1 -1 -10% -10 Personal Combat Skill -14 This character finds the burden of work and life almost too much to handle. Wounded wounded 29 -1 -1 -15 Can evolve into Scarred or Infection -11 This character has been seriously injured, but the damage should heal, given time. More likely after 3 years at sea. More likely when an epidemic is ravaging your -35 Sickly sickly 144 -2. Instead of being a permanent health penalty, any maiming comes with temporarily gaining the Severely Injured trait. Under the succession of the Byzantine and Roman Empire, having any trait listed in this section disqualifies a character from the imperial throne. Mangled mangled 223 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -3 -5 Attraction +5 Same Trait -50% -40 This character has been horribly mangled and now lives with a mangled body. Once the wounds heals their health will recover, but the damage dealt will never fully heal. schildmaid Disqualifies the character from and does not inherit parent. Opposite of Legitimized Bastard This character was born out of wedlock and has not been legitimized - and is thus schildmaid from the line of succession. Their succession claim is stronger than that of older sibling born before their parent schildmaid the throne. These characters can both lands and This character was born to the concubine of a ruler. Children of concubines can inherit but are somewhat poorly regarded by others. These characters can both lands and This character was born to the consort of a ruler. Children of consorts can inherit but are somewhat poorly regarded by others. Opposite of Bastard schildmaid This character was born a schildmaid but was legitimized. Legitimized bastards can inherit, though the stain of bastardy can never be entirely cleansed. Twin twin 42 schildmaid with their twin This character had the fortune of being offered a twin. Twins like each other better. Her condition is preventing her from taking part of her public life, at least until the time her labor comes to term. Actions that would normally be simple are now beyond her abilities. Parents have a small chance of passing these traits onto their. Opposite of ImbecileSlowand Quick 30 Quick quick 57 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 1% 15% +5 +15 Enables the combat tactic. Opposite of Giant -14 Harelip harelip 49 -1 0. Lifestyle event chains will not trigger for characters who already have a lifestyle trait. Note that Faqih also counts as a lifestyle trait. Opposite of Celibate and Master seductress 12 Master Seductress seductress 179 +1 +2 +50 Attraction Only obtainable by female characters. Opposite of Celibate and Master seducer 12 Mystic mystic 67 +1 +2 schildmaid Same Trait 10 Scholar scholar 65 +3 +10 Same Trait Not obtainable by characters. They may also be added or removed by events later in life. Random events to acquire personality traits will not fire for characters who have 5 or schildmaid of them although it is still possible to get them from events that are not specifically personality trait eventsschildmaid random events to remove personality traits will fire for characters possessing 6 or more. Opposite of Diligent -10 Wroth wroth 83 -1 +3 -1 +3 -5 -10 Enables the combat tactic. Opposite of Patient 1 Envious envious 81 -1 +2 -15 +3 -10 Opposite of Kind 1 Proud proud 85 +0. Opposite of Content 8 Arbitrary schildmaid 95 -2 +1 -1 -5 -10 -20 -10 Opposite of Just -8 Brave brave 90 +2 +5 +5 Same Trait -5 Opposite Trait +10 +10% Enables the combat tactic. Opposite of Craven 12 Content content 94 -1 +25 +0. Opposite of Brave -17 Cruel cruel 101 schildmaid +1 -5 +3 +10% -5 +5 Enables the combat tactic. Opposite of Gregarious -2 Stubborn stubborn 189 -1 +1 -5 +3 +10 +10 -5 Trusting trusting 100 +1 -2 -2 +10 Opposite of Paranoid -1 Zealous zealous 98 +2 +5 +15 Religious Same Trait -25 -5 Opposite Trait +1 Monthly -10 +100 Enables the combat tactic if the character also has the Inspiring leader trait. Leadership traits are gained through events triggered after a battle in which the character was a leader. They are used by during to determine casualties and morale. A high martial skill enhances a character's bonuses and mitigates the penalties of leadership traits. Replaced by Pilgrim Pilgrim pilgrim 119 +5 Same +0. In most cases, shows the name of the character who performed the. Trait is lost if is changed. Schildmaid of Mutazilite Decadent decadent 172 -10 Characters with the Decadent trait generate 2% for their per month, unless. Opposite of Zealous Faqih faqih 116 +3 +5 equivalent of Scholar. Exclusive with other 8 Hafiz hafiz 117 +5 Gained by completing the 1 Hajjaj hajjaj 114 +5 +0. Muslim equivalent of Pilgrim 4 Mirza mirza 120 +5 Obtained by of Sayyid mothers, but non-Sayyid fathers 1 Mutazilite mutazilite 145 +5 -30 Opposite Trait Gained through. Trait is lost if is schildmaid. With Holy Fury, members of Warrior Lodges can give this to their wife or sister regardless of religion. Costsgives to player and the woman. Required for characters to be granted holdings. Opposite of ShaktistSmartistand Vaishnavist. Opposite of ShaivistSmartistand Vaishnavist. Opposite of ShaivistShaktistand Vaishnavist. Opposite of SchildmaidShaktistand Smartist. Opposite of Theravada Buddhistand Vajrayana Buddhist. Opposite of Mahayana Buddhistand Vajrayana Buddhist. Opposite of Mahayana Buddhistand Theravada Buddhist. These traits can be gained by or by the action. The ascetic trait is lost if the character's changes. The ascetic trait is also schildmaid if the becomes a ruler, for example, by being granted a or by having their pressed. While all groups besides thewhich have their own crusader traits, only those religions and heresies with established can call for this type of war and, within the religion group, only an established Catholic or Fraticelli can call on a crusade. All crusader traits are opposite of each other and provide similar modifiers. Withoutit is not attainable in game and can only be found on Incitatus. Crusader crusader 40 +2 +15 +15 Religious Same Trait +10 +10 The Papacy must be established for their to declare a. Kanai shaddai 250 +2 +15 +15 Religious Same Trait +10 +10 The for Judaism to have a. Mujahid mujahid 113 +2 +15 Religious Same Trait +5 +10 +10 The schildmaid or sheikhdom must exist in order for to be declared. Both characters will also have -5 opinion penalties for opposite traits Zealous vs Sympathy. Some methods of have a chance to leave with sympathy for their former religious group. It is also possible to gain these traits through : For example, a pilgrim in Jerusalem can gain Sympathy for Jews and Muslims. Other qualifying traits are listed as follows. The death of a with Wicked Priest will trigger a special event for all members of that : the. Those traits will be removed if a new comes to rule China. If is enabled, these traits unlock special events when raiding and sacking. Obtained by 50 additional settlements. Obtained by 50 additional settlements. With multiple family murders, only the worst trait will be retained. Removed upon gaining the Kinslayer trait. Removed upon gaining Familial Kinslayeror Kinslayer. Can be given after the death of a parent. Can be given at birth in someor may require other factors Varangian varangian 137 +1 +2 +10 Same Trait +10 Men with North Germanic may gain this trait through an chain son of ruler asks to serve in the Varangian Guard. Also given to the captain of the Varangian Guard.
EBURONEN - Schildmaid
Disqualifies the character from and does not inherit parent. However, their lack of secrecy tends to endanger even their best efforts. Check the for the educational effects of each childhood trait, as well as the adult traits they can evolve into. Archived from on 25 January 2016. Astrid consoles her lover after the death of her former husband. Muslim equivalent of Pilgrim 4 Mirza mirza 120 +5 Obtained by of Sayyid mothers, but non-Sayyid fathers 1 Mutazilite mutazilite 145 +5 -30 Opposite Trait Gained through.